When preparing your application for the localization process, focusing your
efforts in the following areas can reduce costs and expedite the process.
Determine the working language set - Prior to beginning the localization
process, you need to know which languages and cultures you will support in
your application. You might need to add features to support localization
or locale-specific features for your target markets. For more information,
see Globalization .
Test your application for globalization issues - The goal of globalization
testing is to detect potential problems in application design that could
inhibit your application while functioning under different cultures/locales.
It makes sure that the code can handle all international support without
breaking functionality that would cause either data loss or display problems.
Globalization testing checks proper functionality of the product with any
of the culture/locale settings using every type of international input
possible. For more information, see Globalization
Testing .
Create resource-only libraries (DLLs) - The greatest aid to localization
is to separate localizable resources from application source code. Separating
these resources from source code eliminates the need to recompile source
code. For more information, see Isolating
Localizable Resources .
Test your application for localizability issues - Localizability testing
verifies that you can easily translate the user interface of the program
to any target language without re-engineering or modifying code. Localizability
testing catches bugs normally found during product localization, so localization
of the program is required to complete this test. As such, localizability
testing is essentially a hybrid of globalization testing and localization
testing. Successful completion of localizability testing indicates that
the product is ready for localization. You can use pseudo-localization
to avoid the time and expense of true localization. Pseudo-localization
is perhaps the most cost-effective way of finding localizability bugs.
For more information, see Localizability
Testing .
Recycle text from translation memories - If your application or a similar
application has been previously localized, you can use Lingobit Localizer
to import previous translations for recycling. This could reduce the
cost of localization by reducing the number of strings a localizer needs
to translate.