Knowledge Base
Q: I have tried your product for out Russian
localization and I like it in general. There is a
problem: all strings output by CDC.TextOut()to a
window are incorrect. It looked like this MFC
library function uses a wrong code page. How can I
make it correct? Thank you.
A: You have several choices for tackling TextOut problem.
- Switch Windows default locale to Russian ( for WinXP: Control Panel
Regional and Language options -> Tab "Advanced" -> Language
for non-Unicode
Programs )
- Select Russian charset (RUSSIAN_CHARSET) directly in your source code
12, // nHeight
0, // nWidth
0, // nEscapement
0, // nOrientation
FW_NORMAL, // nWeight
FALSE, // bItalic
FALSE, // bUnderline
0, // cStrikeOut
OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS, // nOutPrecision
CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS, // nClipPrecision
DEFAULT_PITCH | FF_SWISS, // nPitchAndFamily
"Arial")); // lpszFacename
dc.SelectObject ( &font );
CString Str ("Íåêèé
dc.TextOut ( 20, 20, Str );
- Use Unicode in your program.
Q: When I translate a file (.exe) all strings have the [Lingobit] string
at the end. How can I avoid this?
A: Trial version of Lingobit Localizer adds [Lingobit] to every
translated string. To avoid this, you have to buy Lingobit Localizer.
Q: If a old dll file include five dialog windows, I
have translated it in the projects
the new dll file only add a dialog window, but not
any change of the old five windows,
I only want to translate the new dialog. How can I do with it?
A: Replace old dll with new dll, open old Lingobit project, then click
"scan for changes" from "Project" menu. You will see all new resources
with "New" status.
Q: Can the translated resource only .dll be saved under a different
name rather than saved in separate folder with the same name as the
original source binary.
A: No, but you can write simple cmd or bat file that would do it for you.
Q: Translated applications looks fine in Lingobit Localizer, but when I launch it's Russian translation I could not read any symbol.
A: It looks like a problem with nonunicode application. If your application does not support Unicode you can experience problems with displaying translated symbols. In that case you have to change default encoding settings for non-unicode application in Control panel\Regional settings to match target language of translation. But we recommend to make your application Unicode-compliant if you want to create multilingual application and you don't need to support Windows 95/98.
Besides, in some cases you have to install new fonts for correct displaying of several eastern languages.
Q: I can't read any Chinese characters in Lingobit Localizer?
A: Install any of Chinese fonts
Q: How can I include localization into our scripted build process?
A: You should use Lingobit Localizer command line interface.
Q: We have translation of our project in text file. How can we integrate it in Lingobit Localizer project?
A: You can import translation from that file into Translation Memory using Import Text/CSV wizard.
Q: How many languages and translator can I involve into localization process using Lingobit Localizer?
A: Number of languages and translators is not limited.
Q: I've used Lingobit Localizer to translate my MFC application, but some strings are still in English. What is the problem?
A: If you use dynamically linking to MFC you should translate MFC redistributables too. Translation to some usual languages is included in Visual Studio. Furthermore many applications use windows messages and dialogs, contents of these elements is not included in your program and fully depends only on MS Windows localization.
Q: Can I extract all translations to RC file?
A: No. Lingobit Localizer does not intent to support RC files in any form, because binary localization is more effective for localization proposes. But you can use external tools to extract resources from localized files. For example, PE Explorer.
Q: How can I use Microsoft Glossaries with Lingobit Localizer?
A: You can import one or several glossaries into Translation Memory using Import Text/CSV.
Q: How can I integrate Lingobit Localizer with CAT tool that we used in several projects?
A: You can import one or several glossaries into Translation Memory using Import Text/CSV or Import TMX file.
Q: Do I have to send application source code or binary files to translator?
A: No. There is no need in source code. Translator will need binary files only to launch several commands: Scan for Changes, Create Localized, Crash Finder and Run Localized.
Q: How can I leverage translation made directly in rc file for previous version of our application?
A: You can use Import Translations. All imported elements will be marked with "Imported" status.
Q: I’m using the command line interface to build my localized binaries and I want to specify where to place the output files. How can I do that?
A: Currently we don’t allow user to change output path, because there is no need. If you use command-file (*.cmd or *.bat) to run Localizer, you can always copy localized files using copy command. For Example: project\project.loc -scan -create:all
copy project\output c:\my_dir
Q: What files should I send to the external translators?
A: One file created using Lingobit Localizer Exchange Wizard. This file
contains all strings and data that translator need to do translation.
Q: What files should I get from the external translators?
A: Translator work on this file and then send it back to you. You use Exchange Wizard to import translations from this file.