Lingobit Localizer - Software Localization ToolTools for software Localization DE | DA | FR | ES | IT | JA | NL | PL | PT | RU | TR | ZH
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Localizing ResX application

WPF, XAML and BAML software localizationLingobit Localizer is an ideal software localization tool for .NET Framework applications, aimed to make collaboration with external translators smooth and efficient.

From now on, no source-code is required and all technical details are hidden behind intuitive and easy to learn interface. State of the art automated tools for QA, translation reuse and project management guarantee high productivity and outstanding quality. Lingobit Localizer radically simplifies software translation, inspiring even small businesses and individuals to localize their applications.

Using Lingobit Localizer for ResX localization

The best way to localize .NET application is to use binary localization, but sometimes you are forced to localize it using ResX files.

Lingobit extracts all localizable resources such as strings, menus and forms from ResX files and presents them in productive translation environment with such features as translation reuse between versions, automatic validation for common translation errors, exchange wizard for easy collaboration between translator and manager.

After you translate resources, Lingobit Localizer creates satellite assemblies and places them in files with language code names (for example, German translation for MyApp.ResX will be placed into file). This is a default name for localized ResX files used in Microsoft Visual Studio.

Satellite assemblies

Satellite assemblies is the default way to localize .NET applications. To make form localizable set form's Localizable property to true. You can do it using Properties Window in Visual Studio.

You can specify language for your application or use the same culture as specified as that set in Control Panel:

Use Windows settings

Thread::CurrentThread->CurrentUICulture =

Manually select language

CultureInfo ci = new CultureInfo("en-gb");
Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = ci;

Extracting strings to resources

Before starting localization process you need to extract all hard-coded strings from your source code to resources. You can do it manually or use our new tool Lingobit Extractor. It performs about 95% of the work by extracting strings to resources and replacing them with resource loading code.