Lingobit Localizer 4.2 is released with significant usability improvements.
Lingobit Technologies, a leader in the software localization tools market, today announced the release of a new version of its flagship product, Lingobit Localizer. Lingobit Localizer is known for its software localization simplification of .NET (C#, VB.NET, Delphi.NET), MFC (Win32) and Java applications. With the launch of the product's updated version, Lingobit Localizer has become even more user-friendly than even before.
With the unveiling of its previous software version 4.0, Lingobit Localizer presented its users with several new features. These previous enhancements rendered the product the most feature-rich software localization solution available on the market. At that time, many thought that Lingobit had already incorporated all the functionality it possibly could. As such, much buzz ensued over what the Lingobit team would come up with in the next version to outdo themselves.
As Lingobit Localizer 4.2 now hits the market, it becomes apparent that the company has not disappointed its advocates. In fact, this time around, they have decided to focus on the product's essentials, thereby improving the overall user experience. In version 4.2, the task of decreasing localization cost becomes the central aim.
Lingobit Localizer has always been known for its simplicity in interfacing with one's existing user platform. In the new version, however, Lingobit Technologies has striven to take the product yet another step further with an improved interface. “By conducting customer research, we found out that ease of use and intuitive interfacing have a profound effect on the cost involved in localization,” said Michael Trent, Lingobit Technologies' Product Manager. “Localization is a complex process that involves a lot of stakeholders. Each of our users possesses a distinct level of computer experience and uses our application differently, depending on his or her day-to-day activities.”
With the goal of accommodating these various users in mind, the team at Lingobit Technologies got down to business. During the new version's development cycle, they constantly conducted usability testing, during which they looked for an increase in efficiency with a concurrent decrease in localization time. In the end, their exhaustive efforts have proved well worth the investment. With Lingobit Localizer 4.2, the time it now takes a new user to begin using the product has fallen dramatically. Michael Trent added, “By our metrics, the new version has led to a translator efficiency increase of 32% and a rise in localization manager efficiency of 24%.”
The new Lingobit Localizer version not only renders localization a more user-friendly task, but it also transforms localization from a highly technical and sophisticated process into a simple translation. That transformation should decrease the cost of localization and should present both small and large companies with new international opportunities.
Thursday, October 27, 2005
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