Import Translations from localized file

Lingobit Localizer allows the user to import translation data from previously localized files into the current project. Lingobit Localizer supports the following file formats: Windows binary, Java properties, .NET files and XML.

Lingobit Localizer compares the data from the selected file with the translation items in the current project and extracts translations for the existing elements. Lingobit Localizer automatically recognizes which language translations can be extracted from the file. In case the selected file contains translation data in more than one language, the user can choose to extract all language translations, or specify a certain language to extract.

All elements translations imported into the project will be automatically assigned Imported status (see Using Translation Status for details).

To import translation data, click the appropriate button in the Standard toolbar, or choose Import Translations… in the Project menu. In the Insert Translation in the Project dialog box, select the appropriate file.

In the Import Translation dialog, select the language translations which should be extracted from the file in the drop-down list. If the file contains more than one language translations, All languages is selected by default. You can also select the target language. When importing translations, the user can choose a different target language for the extracted translation data. For example, if the translation data in the selected file is set to German – Germany, you can change the data language to German – Luxembourg without affecting the translations. By default, the target language is set the same as the extracted language.

Click OK to import translations.


Contents : Lingobit Technologies : Software Localization Tool