Using Translation Memory

You can add existing translation of the project resources to the translation memory. The translation memory of the project can be exported to a specified .tmx (Translation Memory Xchange) file.

Translation memory can also be imported into the project file by using Import TMX function.

You can edit the contents of the translation memory, delete and add entries in the Translation Memory pane.

To apply the translation memory to the entire project, in the Tools menu, point to Translation Memory and then click Translate Using Translation Memory. To apply the translation memory to a single resource, right click the resource in the Navigation pane or its elements in the Translation editor, and then in the shortcut menu, point to Tools >> Translation Memory >> Translate. Translation Options Dialog is displayed.

To add the existing translation of the project to the translation memory, in the Tools menu, point to Translation memory and then select Add translations to memory... To add translations of a single resource, right click the resource in the Navigation panel, point to Translation memory in the shortcut menu and then click Add... After that, Add Translation Options Dialog is displayed.

By default, the translation memory is applied to all elements within the resource. However, you can add translation to the elements whose status is equal or higher than Translated or For review only. If you want to apply the restriction, in the Add translation options dialog, check the appropriate box and choose the necessary status from the list.

You can also add new elements to the translation memory manually. Click Add in the Translation Memory pane toolbar or right click the pane and then click Add New Entry... in the shortcut menu. Type original text and its translation in the New translation memory entry dialog.

To remove an element from the translation memory, select the element and then click Delete in the Translation memory toolbar or right-click the element and then select Delete entry in the shortcut menu.

To remove all items from the translation memory, click Clear in the Translation Memory toolbar, or right-click the pane and then select Delete All in the shortcut menu.


Contents : Lingobit Technologies : Software Localization Tool