Project Location

For example, the files localized in the German language are placed in <Project Location>\ <Project Name>\Germany folder.

Use this page to setup project Name and Location. Use Browse button to open Browse for Folder dialog.

The Lingobit Localizer project file has a .loc extension. It is created in the location entered by the user, in the folder named after the name of the project (<Location>\ <Name>\<Name>.loc).

Notes: The project folder is a home directory for the localized files as well as supporting files (supporting files are temporary files used in certain types of projects). The localized and supporting files are placed in folders according to their target languages.

Type the name of the project and the location where it will be created in the appropriate fields. Use Browse... to navigate in the folders of your computer.


Enter the name of the project you want to create. A folder with the same name as the project is also created in the location displayed in the Location field. For some projects, Lingobit Localizer creates source and other supporting files and adds them to the new project folder.

Notes: Names cannot contain the following characters: Pound (#), Percent (%) , Ampersand (&), Asterisk (*), Vertical bar (|), Backslash (\), Colon (:), Double quotation mark ("), Less than (<), Greater than (>), Question mark (?), Forward slash (/), Leading or trailing spaces (' '). Names reserved for Windows or DOS such as ("nul", "aux", "con", "com1", "lpt1", and so on)


Enter the location where you want to create your project or choose one from the list.


Displays the Project Location dialog box, which allows you to navigate to a new directory to save the project in.



Contents : Lingobit Technologies : Software Localization Tool