About Exchange Wizard

During the localization process, Lingobit Localizer creates a project containing a number of files that require localization. To localize a project, you have to translate all its localizable resources into required languages. The translation is done by a translating team. If the project is localized into more than one language, it is most often that each team translates the project resources into one certain language.

Lingobit Localizer makes it easy for you to communicate with the translating teams. Using Lingobit Localizer Exchange Wizard, you can export a single project file or a self-extracted Translator Lite executable file package to be translated into specified languages. The exporting files, resources, and the target languages are selected manually. The package may contain extra files not included in the Lingobit Localizer project you consider necessary for the recipient.


Contents : Lingobit Technologies : Software Localization Tool